東京大学大学院工学系研究科都市工学専攻 水環境制御研究室




Journal of Disaster Research (JDR)から発刊された特集号「未来型の都市浸水リスク研究への取り組み」を記念したシンポジウムを2021年11月25日(木)の午後に開催します。参加ご希望の方はこちらからお申込みください。


13:00 開会
渋尾欣弘(東京大学) Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
谷口健司(金沢大学) Estimation of Potential Economic Losses Due to Flooding Considering Variations of Spatial Distribution of Houses and Firms in a City
武田誠(中部大学) Inundation Analysis of the Dike Breach of the Chikuma River Taking Drainage Process and House Damage into Consideration
吴連慧(東京海洋大学) Impact of Climate Change on Flood Hazard at Airports on Pacific Islands: A Case Study of Faleolo International Airport, Samoa
Kyu-Hyun Park(東京大学) Applicability of High-Resolution Geospatial Data Obtained by UAV Photogrammetry to Develop Drainage System Models for Pluvial Flood Analysis
栗田優(石垣) Validation of Inundation Damage Reduction by a Pump Gate with the New Type of Horizontal Axial Submersible Pump
鮫島正一(明電舎) Evaluation of Real-Time Water Level Prediction Technology Using Statistical Models for Reducing Urban Flood Risk
松岡遼(メタウォーター) Demonstration of Stormwater Management Technology by Short-Term Rainfall Prediction and Real-Time Runoff Analysis System Using Small X-Band Radar
吉見和紘(東芝) Study on Water Level Prediction Using Observational Data from a Multi-Parameter Phased Array Weather Radar
江口義樹(川崎市) Scenario Analysis of Sluice Gate Operations for Evaluating Inland Flood Damage
山崎祐輔(横浜市) Examination of Flood Countermeasures Utilizing a Yokohama City Main Rainwater Pipeline and Public–Private Anti-Flood Measures
16:00 閉会
